A Little Yacht Week Disclaimer
Since I will be posting a shit ton of stuff in the next couple weeks. I want to spend a little bit of time thanking the people who made everything so great.
First off, I did not take all of the photos in the Yacht Week posts. I have republished them with permission from my dear Yacht Week participants as seen in the following group picture of our crew.
From Left to Right: Alisa Greene, Jon Farr, Mitch Hall, Ignacio Leon, Tom Mains, Louise Wistrand (skipper), Matt Cowan, Alex DiCarlo, Justin Anderson, Tom and Ken Samples, Manuel Calvin, Whitney Kelly, Libby Grosspietsch and Mark (skipper).
In addition, I have pulled some pictures from the Yacht Week’s official facebook page from our week, Week 31 Greece. The whole album is public and can be found here.
The montage video is courtesy of Ignacio Leon who did a great job putting it together.
All other video’s are by me.
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