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Sin city in style

Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA

Oh... Lord... Thank goodness it's Marti gras, or I would have no reason for such amazing behavior :)

Thursday night was pretty short lived. Since I arrived so late (sorry Niffer!!) I changed in the car in the valet garage and ran into Tao just before they closed their guest list line at 11:30. And you will never believe who I ran into there!! Ok... yes you will... Emily and Jennifer!! I was so excited to see them, you have no idea. I miss these cats like crazy... anyway. Tao was... well... pretty boring. Lots of 20 year olds in minidresses and we were just clearly not in the mood with our bourbon and beer. So we called it an early night (like 2 AM) and prepped for a long Friday ahead of us.

We started out early at Margaritaville. But after tapping out a 100 oz Margarita, we were pretty well into our day. Next on the itinerary? O'Shea's for beer pong tournament. Since there were three of us and naturally, we couldn't play alone, we scouted the cutest and most normal looking boys in the casino and recruited them. About 6 games of beer pong and two victorious winners later (yours truly - duh... and my partner... whose name escapes me - duh) we decided to sit down and play an hour or so worth of blackjack. Fortunately, I cashed out even (Emily won, yet again) and then we headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner.

Gallagher's was amazing (go figure). We all got the surf and turf (me and Jennifer lobster and Emily crab) with a hefty side of beef and some other vegetable things that we clearly had no room for after the 10 lbs of fish and cow we just shoved in our mouths. Our waitor was awesome (naturally, Niffer made friends w/ him) and let us chill for quite some time after our meal was complete. Next... we headed to Chris Angel Believe Cirque du Soleil at the Luxor.

Wow... it was... just... wow. I'm not even sure I followed the story line... but I know it was crappy. The magic, was pretty much nonexistent. Chris Angel, was cool, but kind of a pansy in real life. Then there were these weird dancers that came out that I think were pretending to be Cirque people, but they were not very good. I'm not sure if the wine at dinner is blanking my memory or if that's my natural reflex, but it was not good, whatever it was.

Afterwards, I lamed out. Niffer and Emily went to play blackjack and I passed out. Turns out Emily ran into Wes and his bachelor party (crazy small world) who happen to be staying in our hotel this weekend so we're going to attempt to hunt them down and require toasts this evening.

For now, off to lunch at the amazing buffet downstairs and then who knows what next!

Now playing: Lady GaGa - Poker Face
via FoxyTunes

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