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Bucket List

  1. Visit Every State in the US
    1. The other 49
    2. Alaska
  2. Write a book that actually gets published
  3. Visit every continent
    1. North America
    2. South America
    3. Africa
    4. Europe
    5. Asia
    6. Australia
    7. Antarctica
  4. Visit 98 countries (>50%) 21/98 21%
    1. Antigua and Barbuda
    2. Argentina
    3. Australia
    4. Austria
    5. Barbados
    6. Belarus
    7. Belgium
    8. Brazil
    9. Burkina Faso
    10. Cambodia
    11. Cayman Islands
    12. Chile
    13. China
    14. Colombia
    15. Costa Rica
    16. Croatia
    17. Cuba
    18. Czech Republic
    19. Denmark
    20. Djibouti
    21. Dominican Republic
    22. Ecuador
    23. Egypt
    24. England
    25. Estonia
    26. Fiji
    27. Finland
    28. France
    29. Germany
    30. Greece
    31. Guatemala
    32. Haiti
    33. Hungary
    34. Iceland
    35. India
    36. Indonesia
    37. Ireland
    38. Israel
    39. Italy
    40. Jamaica
    41. Japan
    42. Latvia
    43. Liechtenstein
    44. Lithuania
    45. Luxembourg
    46. Madagascar
    47. Mali
    48. Malta
    49. Mexico
    50. Monaco
    51. Morocco
    52. New Zealand
    53. Norway
    54. Omen
    55. Palestine
    56. Peru
    57. Philippines
    58. Poland
    59. Portugal
    60. Puerto Rico
    61. Russia
    62. Saint Kitts and Nevis
    63. Saint Lucia
    64. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    65. San Marino
    66. Sao Tome and Principe
    67. Saudi Arabia
    68. Scotland
    69. Serbia
    70. Singapore
    71. South Africa
    72. Spain
    73. St Martin
    74. Sweden
    75. Switzerland
    76. Thailand
    77. The Bahamas
    78. The Netherlands
    79. The Vatican City
    80. Tobago
    81. Trinidad
    82. Tristan da Cunha
    83. Turkey
    84. UAE
    85. USA
    86. Vietnam
    87. Yemen
    88. ??
    89. ??
    90. ??
    91. ??
    92. ??
    93. ??
    94. ??
    95. ??
    96. ??
    97. ??
    98. ??
  5. See the Northern Lights
  6. Save someone’s life
  7. Get married
  8. Have a kid
  9. Adopt a kid
  10. Foster a kid
  11. Go to the Olympics
  12. Compete in the Olympics
  13. Retire before 40
  14. Fly a plane
  15. Have a speaking role in a feature film
  16. Produce a record and sell one copy to someone I don’t know
  17. Sew a dress then wear it
  18. Sing the National Anthem for a public event
  19. Own a restaurant
  20. Teach at a school/church
  21. Run a 5K
  22. Run a 10K
  23. Graduate College
  24. Get my PhD
  25. Go to burning man
  26. Have a picture published in National Geographic
  27. Create a new article in Wikipedia
  28. Edit an existing article in Wikipedia
  29. Create a website with a searchable bible verse database
  30. Teach a free class on how to use computers
  31. Speak 5 languages fluently
    1. Spanish
    2. French
    3. Italian
    4. German
    5. English
  32. Participate in a Flash-mob
  33. Visit the “top attraction” at every city in Los Angeles
  34. Live on a farm
  35. Live in a foreign country
  36. Surf
  37. Kite surf
  38. See the ponies run at Chincoteague
  39. Go to the breeders cup at Santa Anita
  40. Ride a pace horse at a horse race
  41. Own a Company
  42. Hitchhike
  43. Pick up a Hitchhiker
  44. Climb Denali
  45. Go to La Tomatina
  46. Go to the running of the bulls in Pamplona
  47. Go to Oktoberfest in Germany
  48. Go to the Palio in Siena
  49. Go to the World Cup
  50. Spend St. Patrick's Day in Ireland
  51. Go to Carnival in Brazil
  52. Do a riding safari in Africa
  53. Skydive
  54. Go to the Kentucky Derby
  55. Go to the Grand National