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Entries in USA (62)


The 19 Hours I Don’t Remember in Fredericksburg, Texas

Fredericksburg, Texas. I'd only been here a couple times - a few times as a drive through with an ex-boyfriend who has a ranch near here and once as a weekend trip with Natalie to visit her parents ranch just outside of town. All of those trips were spent ranching, and not in the town, so I was excited to get to see actual Fredericksburg. We set our timing perfect and Schmennifer and I showed up at the church about 10 minutes before...

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Crashing a Frat Formal in Fort Worth, Texas

I realized that since I haven't been doing much traveling lately, I haven't had many, well... travel posts. I've had posts about New York, sure, but I practically LIVE in New York. I have a (semi) apartment (situation), I have a job, I have friends who I go out to normal non-traveler bars with. It doesn't really feel like a travel situation. I've moved my blog a lot towards Travel Tips and a lot away from Travelogue. However, this past...

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Super Bowl XLV Special: American Football for Dummies PART 2

So you’re back for more, are ya? If you missed it, yesterday I took some time to go over the basics and the rules of the game of American football. If you missed it, make sure and check it out before you read this. If you’re already familiar with the game, read on. Sunday’s game will be the 45th Super Bowl played. Depending on where you are in the world, it will either be played Sunday or Monday. A breakdown of the times for major...

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Super Bowl XLV Special: American Football for Dummies PART 1

Alright people. Football. American Football. The real deal in my books. The sport of all sports. The reason for existence. The thing I miss the most, single handedly from the US - more than Dr. Pepper, peanut butter or even my mom - ok maybe not my mom. Well... some days maybe my mom. Not today, but like a couple weeks ago? Maybe. Anyway. Football. I spend a lot of time defending my love for this sport and even more time...

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New York City - The Best Places to Eat Food

Sick of New York City posts? Well you asked for them, so I'm givin' em. Get over it already, I'll be back to talking only about Spain here in 49 days! Until then, it's either New York, or Oklahoma. And I have a feeling you're going to like the NY posts better than the Okie ones. The following restaurants are my absolute favorites in New York. I can go to them day after day and never tire. They're good for all tourists...

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New York City - 4 Places to Pretend You're FILTHY Rich

I love pretending to be rich. It's one of my favorite pastimes. I swear I'll be a hobo begging on the street someday in a faux fur shawl with costume jewelry and a Chinatown Prada. So one of my favorite things to do in the world is to strut my Forever 21 stuff around expensive stores and pretend like I can afford their merchandise. New York City is a hotbed for faking the green. In New York City, being rich isn't necessarily synonymous...

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New York City - A Guide for Sluts (YA!)

So, I don't know if you've heard. But I get around. One of my favorite places to come back to though, time and time again, is New York City. I love the city, I love the ease of traveling to, from and within the city, I love the restaurants, I love the nightlife, I love the music scene, I just love it here. So what happens when you're as *ahem* well-traveled *ahem* as I am and find yourself back in New York again, with no...

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New York City - A Guide to FREE stuff for Virgins

*Note: If you are an actual virgin, this article may or may not pertain to you. So you've NEVER been to New York City, eh? Well. That sucks. But fortunately for you, either you're about to embark on said journey, or you're sitting at home/work wishing you were making the trek. Either way, I'm about to break it down for you, city style. Here is my Top 10 Things you must do in New York City for a First Timer. Most of these...

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